When you make a declaration, stand tall and speak it aloud!
Declaration Against Slave Mentality
(For the healing and training of our hearts and minds) I am free -- I do not have a slave mentality I have been made free in Christ Jesus I am a servant of the Lord and I am worthy of my hire He has made me an excellent replica of His image Because of that, I cannot shortchange myself Because then, I also shortchange Him. Thank you Lord! I am determined to walk in my liberty and receive the compensation ordered to me on Christ’s behalf I can do all things through Christ Jesus and I am more than a conqueror. Thank you Lord! I receive my inheritance! I will say this prayer until my heart beats it and my feet walk it! I can and will accept, agree with, receive and embrace all that is due me and I will ask for what I need. I will not accept, agree with, receive nor embrace that which is beneath my worth, for I am the head nd not the tail, above and not beneath! I have accomplished SOME things But greater things shall I do, in and because of Him, as I am led by and agree with the Holy Spirit I am nothing and can do nothing without Jesus But together with Him, I will do everything assigned to me by the Father And we will do everything assigned to us! I want to hear Him say - Well Done, my Good and Faithful Servant! Along with Jesus, I want to be able to say that I accomplished everything He assigned to me and that I did not lose one! Lord, in You, nothing is impossible! I lean into You! I trust You! I trust You! I trust You! Not by power, not by might - but all by Your Spirit! Hallelujah! Amen! Adapted from a declaration shared by Apostle Kathy O. Berkley in 2000. |
Declaration from 1 Peter 5:5b-11
(From the video “Self-humbling Through Fasting”, by Derek and Ruth Prince) God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble Therefore, we humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God That He may exalt us in due time Having cast all our care upon Him for He cares for us We are sober -- We are vigilant Because our adversary, the devil, walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour We resist him -- Steadfast in faith Knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by our brotherhood in the world But the God of all grace Who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus After we have suffered awhile Will perfect, establish, strengthen and settle us To Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever! Amen! |