Giving - God's Kingdom Principles
Giving is part of God's economy. Money, when handled irresponsibly or greedily, can become something that hurts and ruins lives. But when managed God's way, it is a blessing to God's Kingdom worldwide. If you feel led to help us in our efforts to minister to God's people and to share His Word wherever He sends us, you may mail your check or money order to:
Radical in Christ Ministries
105 Lew DeWitt Blvd Suite A-232
Waynesboro, VA 22980-1662
105 Lew DeWitt Blvd Suite A-232
Waynesboro, VA 22980-1662
You may also give via PayPal or CashApp as noted below:
CashApp - $RICM22906
Image by kangbch from Pixabay